Friday, April 30, 2010

Wutzup Catsup?

Quick doodle before bed. Did this in what i dub my greeting card style. Although I'm not sure I've seen any greeting cards drawn like this. I fell like most are colored like this.

I think this guy needs nostrils.

There we go.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

MoCCA Fest & Ant-Eaters

Sneak peak of the first panel of the comic I'm working on for the sci-fi comic collection, Hadron Colliderscope. Don't get too eager yet. Only a few panels are fully shaded. However you still have shot at reading the full 3-page story as well as the others in the collection if you show up to MoCCA Art Festival in NYC this weekend. We're printing out some copies of the work-in-progress version to share and prepare people for the upcoming Hadron Colliderscope website.

I'm always very excited just to attend MoCCA Fest, but I'm extra psyched to have something to show this year.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Illustration Friday - Dip

I hope someone gets my The State reference.